Lifestyle & Cardiometabolic Research Unit

Lifestyle-based Interventions
Cardiorespiratory Fitness
Intensity and Amount of Exercise
Randomized Control Trials
Management of Obesity
Selected Publications from the LCRU
*For a complete list of publications, visit Dr. Ross' Google Scholar page.
Ross R, John E, McGlory CC, Davidson LE, and Stotz PJ. Does aerobic exercise increase skeletal muscle mass in female and male adults? Med Sci Sports Exerc ():10.1249, 2024.
Ross R, Arena R, Myers J, Kokkinos P, Kaminsky LA. Update to the 2016 American Heart Association Cardiorespiratory Fitness Statement. Progress in Cardiovascular Disease. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 83:10-15, Mar-Apr 2024.
Walc A, Latimer-Cheung AE, Day AG, Brennan AM, Hill JO, and Ross R. A small change approach on total fat, abdominal fat and lean mass in adults with overweight and obesity. Clinical Obesity 13:e12587, 2023.
Jeremy M. Robbins, Prashant Rao, Shuliang Deng, Michelle J. Keyes, Usman A. Tahir, Daniel Katz, Pierre M. Jean Beltran, François Marchildon, Jacob L. Barber, Bennet Peterson, Yan Gao, Adolfo Correa, James G. Wilson, J. Gustav Smith, Paul Cohen, Claude Bouchard, Mark A. Sarzynski, Robert Ross, Robert E. Gerszten. Fibroblast activation protein is a circulating protein related to endurance exercise training changes in VO2max and long-term health outcomes. JCI Insight. 8(7):e165867, 2023.
Ross R, and Myers J. Cardiorespiratory Fitness and its’ place in Medicine. Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. Rev. Cardiovasc. Med. 24(1):14, 2023.
Brennan AM, Day A, Clarke J and Ross R. Towards personalized exercise medicine: a cautionary tale. Med Sci Sports Exerc 54(11):1861-1868, 2022.
Lavie CJ, Ross R, and Neeland IJ. Physical Activity and Fitness vs Adiposity and Weight Loss for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer Mortality. Invited Editorial, Int J Obesity., 2022.
Janssen I, Miller E, Dzongowski E, Miakisheva K, and Ross R. A compositional analysis study of body composition and cardiometabolic risk factors. Obesity 30:1699–1707, 2022.
Bonafiglia JT, Swinton P, Ross R, Johannsen N, Martin C, Church T, Slentz CA, Ross L, Kraus WE, Kenny GP, Goldfield GS, Prud’homme D, Sigal R, and Gurd BJ. Interindividual differences in trainability and moderators of cardiorespiratory fitness, waist circumference, and body mass responses: A large-scale individual participant data meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 2022.
Ross R, Day A, Latimer-Cheung AE, and Hill JO. Evaluating a small change approach to preventing long-term weight gain in adults with overweight and obesity: a randomized controlled trial. CMAJ 194: E324-31. doi: 10.1503/ cmaj.211041, 2022.
Houle SA, Sui X, Blair SN, and Ross R. Association between change in non-exercise estimated cardiorespiratory fitness and mortality. Mayo Clinical Proceedings: Innovations, Quality & Outcomes 6(2):106-113, 2022.
de Lannoy L, Cowan T, Fernandez A, and Ross R. Physical activity, diet, and weight loss in patients recruited from primary care settings: an update on obesity management interventions. Obesity Science & Practice DOI: 10.1002/osp4.514, 2021.
Myers J. and Ross R. Implementing cardiorespiratory fitness as a routine measure in health care settings. Journal of Clinical Exercise Physiology. 10(2):62–69, 2021.
Bonafiglia JT, Preobrazenski N, Islam H, Walsh JJ, Ross R, Johannsen N, Martin C, Church T, Slentz CA, Ross L, Kraus WE, Kenny GP, Goldfield GS, Prud’homme D, Sigal R, and Gurd BJ. Exploring differences in cardiorespiratory fitness response rates across varying doses of exercise training. Sports Medicine 51:1785–1797, 2021.
Robbins JM, Peterson B, Schranner D, Tahir UA, Rienmuller T, Keyes M, Katz D, Beltran PM, Barber JL, Baumgartner C, Carr SA, Ghosh S, Shen C, Jennings L, Ross R, Sarzynski MA, Bouchard C, and Gerszten RE. Plasma proteomic profiles of cardiorespiratory fitness. Nature Metabolism 3, 786–797, 2021.
Tremblay MS, and Ross R. How should we move for health? Making the case for 24-hour movement guidelines. CMAJ December 7;192:E17298-9. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.202345 2020.
Ross R. and Tremblay MS. Introduction to the Canadian 24-Hour movement guidelines for adults aged 18–64 years and adults aged 65 years or older: an integration of physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 45(10) Suppl 2: v–xi, 2020.
Nelms M, Day AG, Sui X, Blair SN and Ross R. Examining the influence of waist circumference in cardiovascular disease risk prediction modeling. PLoS One 15(10):e0240214, 2020.
Ross, R, Chaput J-P, Giangregorio LM, Janssen I, Saunders TJ, Kho ME, Poitras VJ, Tomasone JR, El-Kotob R, McLaughlin EC, Duggan ME, Carrier J, Carson V, Chastin SF, Latimer-Cheung AE, Chulak-Bozzer T, Faulkner F, Flood SM, Gazendam MK, Healy G, Katzmarzyk PT, Kennedy W, Lane KN, Lorbergs A, Maclaren K, Marr S, Powell KE, Rhodes RE, Ross-White A, Welsh F, Willumsen J, and Tremblay MS. Canadian 24-Hour movement guidelines for adults aged 18–64 years and adults aged 65 years or older: an integration of physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 45(10): Suppl. 2: S57–S102, 2020.
Katzmarzyk PT, Ross R, Blair SN, and Després J-P. Should we target increased physical activity or less sedentary behavior in the battle against cardiovascular disease risk development? Atherosclerosis 311:107-115, 2020.
Ross R, Neeland IJ, Matsuzawa Y, Yamashita S, Shai I, Seidell J, Magni P, Santos RD, Arsenault B, Cuevas A, Hu FB, Griffin B, Zambon A, Barter P, Fruchart J-C, Eckel R, Després J-P. The case for waist circumference as a vital sign in clinical practice. A joint position of the International Atherosclerosis Society and International Chair on Cardiometabolic Risk Working Group on Visceral Obesity. Nature Reviews, Endocrinology 16,177–189, 2020.
Janssen I, Clarke AE, Carson V, Chaput J-P, Giangregorio L, Kho ME, Poitras VJ, Ross R, Ross-White A, Saunders TJ, and Chastin SF. A systematic review of compositional data analysis studies examining associations between sleep, sedentary behaviour, and physical activity with health outcomes in adults. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 45(10): Suppl. 2: S248–S257, 2020.
Tomasone JR, Flood SM, Latimer-Cheung AE, Faulkner G, Duggan ME, Jones R, et al. Knowledge translation of the Canadian 24-Hour movement guidelines for adults aged 18–64 years and adults aged 65 years or older: a collaborative movement guideline knowledge translation process. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 45(10): Suppl. 2: S103–S124, 2020.
Tomasone JR, Kauffeldt KD, Morgan TL, Magor KW, Latimer-Cheung AE, Faulkner G, et al. Dissemination and implementation of national physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and/or sleep guidelines among community-dwelling adults aged 18 years and older: a systematic scoping review and suggestions for future reporting and research. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 45(10): Suppl. 2: S258–S283, 2020.
El-Kotob R., Ponzano M., Chaput J-P, Janssen I, Kho ME, Poitras VJ, et al. Resistance training for improving health outcomes in adults and older adults: an overview of systematic reviews. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 45(10): Suppl. 2: S165–S179, 2020.
Chaput J-P, Dutil C, Featherstone R, Ross R, Giangregorio LM, Saunders TJ, et al. Sleep duration and health in adults: an overview of systematic reviews. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 45(10): Suppl. 2: S218–S231, 2020.
Chaput J-P, Dutil C, Featherstone R, Ross R, Giangregorio LM, Saunders TJ, et al. Sleep timing, sleep consistency, and health in adults: a systematic review. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 45(10): Suppl. 2: S232–S247, 2020.
Kho ME, Poitras VJ, Janssen I, Chaput J-P, Saunders TJ, Giangregorio LM, Tomasone JR, Ross-White A, and Ross R. Development and application of an outcome-centric approach for conducting overviews of reviews. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 45(10): Suppl. 2: S151–S164, 2020.
Soultana M, Cameron C, Chaput J-P, Chulak-Bozzer T, Clark P, Davenport M, Faulkner G, Fowles J, Levesque L, Porter P, Rhodes R, Ross R, Spence JC, Vanderloo L, and Johnston N. Development of the 2019 ParticipACTION report card on physical activity for adults in Canada. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 17: 995-1002, 2020.
Phillips EW, Rao DP, Kaminsky LA, Tomkinson GR, Ross R, and Lang JJ. Criterion-referenced mCAFT cut-points to identify metabolically healthy cardiorespiratory fitness among adults aged 18–69 years: An analysis of the Canadian Health Measures Survey. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab doi: 10.1139/apnm-2019-0874, 2020.
Ross R, Soni S and Houle SA. Negative energy balance induced by exercise or diet: effects on visceral adipose tissue and liver fat. Nutrients 12(4), 891;, 2020.
de Lannoy L, and Ross R. Non-exercise equations for determining change in cardiorespiratory fitness. Med Sci Sports Exerc 52 (7):1525–1531, 2020.
Foti K, Whitsel L, Young DR, Hivert M-F, Ross R, and Appel LJ. A critical, unrecognized step in evidence-based policy making: Assessing the feasibility of conducting a clinical trial with hard outcomes. A policy statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 13: e006378. DOI: 10.1161/ciroutcomes.119.006378, 2020.
Brennan AM, Day AG, Cowan T, Clarke GJ, Lamarche B, and Ross R. Individual response to standardized exercise: total and abdominal adipose tissue. Med Sci Sport Exerc 52 (2): 490–497, 2020.
Peterman JE, Arena R, Myers J, Marzolini S, Ross R, Stensvold D, Wisløff U, Lavie CJ, and Kaminsky LA. Development of global reference standards for directly measured cardiorespiratory fitness: A report from the Fitness Registry and Importance of Exercise National Database (FRIEND). Mayo Clin Proc 95(2): 255-264, 2020.